Brave Fencer Musashi [1] | Intro

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:33 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Brave Fencer Musashi was a game I played a good deal, as a child. I enjoyed the banter between the characters, the music was nice (still is!), and the graphics held up rather well during its time. Between the story, the voice acting, the music, the graphics, and various gameplay elements (such as assimilation), it was a good adventure game. I'm happy to be playing it again.

As I play through, I plan to rescue all Bincho-Field-imprisoned persons, as well as get all Minkus (including Big Mama Minku). If you are looking for any specific person or Minku, I'll be adding videos for each of these things, individually - look for the one you want in my Brave Fencer Musashi - Extras playlist.

In this video, we:

+ Check out the Intro credits and the start menu. Yay.
+ Get an introduction into the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any part of the displayed content - the art, music, etc...was all created by, and is owned/copyrighted by, Square. I have no affiliation/association, or claim to have any affiliation/association with Square.
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