Brave Fencer Musashi [12] | Vambee Soldiers!? Meep!

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:33 PM
Posted by Fluffy
In this video, we:

+ Explore the final initial chamber in the temple under the Grillin' Village restaurant.
+ Free Mercenary Potrowst and Mercenary Stue.
+ Find various treasures to appraise (and sell).
+ Find out that schmuck'ish restaurant owner only bought the restaurant because he heard there was some kind of treasure located within the temple beneath it. We take the "treasure" off his hands - a junky old belt.
+ Hit up the Pawn Shop - appraising and selling our junk, and finding out that the UglyBelt is really the next piece of the Legendary Armor. With it, we can now double-jump.
+ Leave the Pawn Shop, and learn that the well has gone dry...that's not good news for the town, if we don't fix it. Turns out Father White has some rope stored in the church - we need to ask him if we can borrow it to get into the well.
+ Find Father White sleeping outside his church...he's apparently been locked out. He also locked the fence's gate, so that vambees can't get to him during the night.
+ Sleep until a wee bit past hear some odd noises coming from the church. Father White helps us get into the church via the roof. Once inside...

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