Brave Fencer Musashi [20] | Tying Up Loose Ends

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:33 PM
Posted by Fluffy
In this video, we:

+ Meet up with Jon - turns out he was out looking for the scrolls as well. He managed to find a clue for the last one, the Sky Scroll.
+ Tie up some lose ends - get everything we can out of the way before heading off to the end-game. Once there, there's no turning back!
+ Free the last two bincho-imprisoned persons, Hawker Steakwood and Doctor Tung.
+ Speak to the palace staff one last time.
+ Visit Scribe Shanky one last time - reading up the remaining books that needed translating earlier in the game.
+ Grab the last few Minku. Once all 13 Minku have been found, Big Mama Minku is very upset...
+ Take on Big Mama Minku - and get thoroughly demolished.
+ Visit the shops one last time - sell trash, organize inventory, buy goods and toys.

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any part of the displayed content - the art, music, etc...was all created by, and is owned/copyrighted by, Square. I have no affiliation/association, or claim to have any affiliation/association with Square.
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