The Evil Within 2 Review PS4 (2017)

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Jun 11, 2018 at 8:03 AM
Posted by zeke morgan
Review for The Evil Within 2 (2017)

Set three years after the previous game, we return once more to the STEM project, run by the equally shadowy organisation called ‘Mobius’. What could make us return to this horror filled world I hear you ask, well learning that Sebastian Castellano’s daughter, Lilly, is actually alive.

The story of The Evil Within 2 (2017) could be easily summarised into two halves, with the first centred around you taking out a murdering art obsessed psychopath, culminating in a weak and forgetting boss fight - and the other travelling more at a fast paced with a few cameos from past villains making an appearance.

The location for The Evil Within 2 (2017) is centred around ‘Union’ which is a sprawling post apocalyptic mix of old american diners and picket fences, full of nooks and crannies that offer side quests, enemy encounters and loot that really help the sandboxed level design feel less restrictive.

Often you will be faced with decisions of whether or not to place yourself in danger just to get some much needed materials for a weapon upgrade or crafting munitions to help you survive the next horror lurking around the corner. Like its predecessor The Evil Within 2 (2018) does allow players a more stealthier approach to combat and is further supplemented with a dedicated stealth upgrade path which can help players take down enemies quickly and quietly without too much hassle.

The Evil Within 2 (2017) gives more options to play the game your own way, and offers a bigger survival horror playground this time around as well. Even the return of the green gel upgrade tree and hidden statues (offering locker keys) doesn’t seem repetitive. Whilst the game did feel a little disjointed seeing how it felt like the game was split into two halves The Evil Within 2 (2017) campaign and survival horror feel more than make up for its shortcomings.

Lastly one hit bosses do make a reappearance in The Evil Within 2 (2017) including a ghostly figure which hums Clair De Lune at your from the PS4 controller, which is sure to put even the most seasoned veterans on edge during ever encounter.

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