Freedom! Network Wiki: Let's cultivate this thing!


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Sep 8, 2016
New Orleans
✰ ✰ ✰ Hey there, Freedom family! ✰ ✰ ✰

Dezy here, moderator for the Freedom! Network Wiki, a future hub for all information relevant to the Freedom! Network - history, staff, partners, regular forum-goers, etc. - created by Freedom! Forum User, Toxic. In order for this project to be successful, however, we need some help from all of you. This is directly related to the community, after all, and the more users participate in decision-making and data-collecting, the better the Wiki will look! So let's get started!

This first post is going to be a
big group brainstorm. We at the Freedom! Network Wiki have already come up with a few ideas. To name a few: an associated YouTube channel for partner interviews, up-and-coming partner spotlights, and other informational videos, forum chat events planned by the Freedom! Network Wiki team, and a massive collaborative video featuring short clips of all Freedom! partners willing to participate. For right now, however, we must work together to cultivate this Wiki and get it up and running!

Which brings us back to you guys. We have a series of questions pertaining to the content you would like to see featured on the Wiki itself. It would be really fantastic if you could take just a few moments to answer them below and let other members of the forum know about this topic if they haven't already seen it.

① In general, what kind of information would you like to see on the Freedom! Network Wiki?
② What kind of basic information should be listed on the pages of partners?
③ What kind of basic information should be listed on the pages of regular forum users?

If you're having some trouble coming up with ideas, I've fluffed up my own page on the Wiki with some of my own rough ideas to give you ladies and gents a head start. You can view that page
here, and while you're at it, check out some of the other pages that have been done, as well! I'm not the only mod around there!

I would also like to mention that we are not directly affiliated with the Freedom! Network, but rather a handful of users who really want to make this community thrive. We believe that this project can greatly help establish Freedom as a community that is serious about dreaming big and helping one another achieve those big goals while maintaining a certain level of organisation and professionalism.


Rising User
Aug 13, 2016
I've heard of it before.

1. Information about whats new going on in the Freedom Network.
2. Some of their videos from their Youtube channel so some new people can find out about them.
3. Their threads and posts if they even have any.
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zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
✰ ✰ ✰ Hey there, Freedom family! ✰ ✰ ✰

Dezy here, moderator for the Freedom! Network Wiki, a future hub for all information relevant to the Freedom! Network - history, staff, partners, regular forum-goers, etc. - created by Freedom! Forum User, Toxic. In order for this project to be successful, however, we need some help from all of you. This is directly related to the community, after all, and the more users participate in decision-making and data-collecting, the better the Wiki will look! So let's get started!

This first post is going to be a
big group brainstorm. We at the Freedom! Network Wiki have already come up with a few ideas. To name a few: an associated YouTube channel for partner interviews, up-and-coming partner spotlights, and other informational videos, forum chat events planned by the Freedom! Network Wiki team, and a massive collaborative video featuring short clips of all Freedom! partners willing to participate. For right now, however, we must work together to cultivate this Wiki and get it up and running!

Which brings us back to you guys. We have a series of questions pertaining to the content you would like to see featured on the Wiki itself. It would be really fantastic if you could take just a few moments to answer them below and let other members of the forum know about this topic if they haven't already seen it.

① In general, what kind of information would you like to see on the Freedom! Network Wiki?
② What kind of basic information should be listed on the pages of partners?
③ What kind of basic information should be listed on the pages of regular forum users?

If you're having some trouble coming up with ideas, I've fluffed up my own page on the Wiki with some of my own rough ideas to give you ladies and gents a head start. You can view that page
here, and while you're at it, check out some of the other pages that have been done, as well! I'm not the only mod around there!

I would also like to mention that we are not directly affiliated with the Freedom! Network, but rather a handful of users who really want to make this community thrive. We believe that this project can greatly help establish Freedom as a community that is serious about dreaming big and helping one another achieve those big goals while maintaining a certain level of organisation and professionalism.

Hello Dezy, first of all I want to say it looks like your doing a wonderful job on the Freedom wiki, though I have a question about it? Is it updated in real time, for example if a partner leaves the forum / network would this automatically be removed from the wiki? Also for those people that are on it did you contact they to see if they wanted to be added to the wiki?

As Koala above beat me to saying, maybe some more information about Freedom, would be nice, for example when it started, maybe include some things that the partnership / network offers. As for the basic information that should be outlined for partners, date of joining the network, type of youtube channel and basic information about them (which could be taken from the about page on Youtube if they have that updated).

For the regular forum users, you could try and outline what time they are usually on if possible, talk to them to see what they normally do / help out with - as some only come on and talk on the chat, whereas some regular users use the chat, answer threads and are everywhere. Potentially showcase one of their videos, or something like that
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Sep 8, 2016
New Orleans
Hello Dezy, first of all I want to say it looks like your doing a wonderful job on the Freedom wiki, though I have a question about it? Is it updated in real time, for example if a partner leaves the forum / network would this automatically be removed from the wiki? Also for those people that are on it did you contact they to see if they wanted to be added to the wiki?

As Koala above beat me to saying, maybe some more information about Freedom, would be nice, for example when it started, maybe include some things that the partnership / network offers. As for the basic information that should be outlined for partners, date of joining the network, type of youtube channel and basic information about them (which could be taken from the about page on Youtube if they have that updated).

For the regular forum users, you could try and outline what time they are usually on if possible, talk to them to see what they normally do / help out with - as some only come on and talk on the chat, whereas some regular users use the chat, answer threads and are everywhere. Potentially showcase one of their videos, or something like that
Hey there! Thank you very much! Though I don't deserve all the credit~ We've got quite a few mods working on it. As far as your question goes, I imagine it would be updated as soon as the information gets back to us, as it's all put up by individually by hand. I don't believe we have any kind of bots on it, if that's possible, though it may be worth looking into. As far as contacting members, I'm not sure. I'll have to discuss it with Toxic. I only recently started working on it. I believe all information on it is public, however, so there's nothing personal there. Even so, it may be a better idea to put up a clean slate and have users opt in to be on it. This is one of many posts to come, so my next post will likely be related to permissions and what have you. I was invited to work on the Wiki about a week ago, actually, so I'm fairly new. I posed that we make it more community-driven, so I've taken on the task of being the driving force of that. It's about to get major overhauls based on whatever suggestions we receive. :)

The rest of your suggestions are super appreciated and will be worked into the information we'll be collecting in a future post. n_n Thank you for your input!


Rising User
Dec 6, 2014
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Sep 8, 2016
New Orleans
Love the wiki because it has stuff from the old days on it that you can't find on here now.
These pages are gold
I miss the old freedom network forums layout so much..

Take more screenshots of threads on these forums and put it on the wiki. So people can remember them.
As for forum users and partner information. The info you guys are putting now is good. Keep up the good work.
Thanks so much for the input! :D