Recent content by DIB Gaming

  1. DIB Gaming

    i needs help

    I'm trying to link my YouTube to mgn so I can have my videos show up on it on the mgngamers bata but for some reason it keeps saying Cannot obtain access token We are unable to obtain your access token from YouTube. Please try again. any help you can give would be greatly appreciate it
  2. DIB Gaming

    Official Before you post here READ THIS!!

    I understand this sounds fair to Me
  3. DIB Gaming

    Gaming why I started YouTube

    hello everybody my name is David but my YouTube is called DIB you can call me either one I don't really mind I just wanted to post this to let you guys know why I actually started YouTube I started playing video games and I was very young I used to sneak into my brother's room and I would take...
  4. DIB Gaming

    YouTube New YouTube original launched!

    your broken gamers videos exactly what people need her just starting out on YouTube it don't know how to get there video start as well as not understanding the correct CPU speed and everything you need for them to run particular game so I want to thank you personally and let you know that I have...
  5. DIB Gaming

    Gaming XerO (New Gaming/Tech Channel)

    that is very important and wise wisdom your content is awesome dude I just subscribed to you your story reminds me a lot of one I started YouTube myselfhello everybody my name is David but my YouTube channel name is DIB Gaming I still love her very young age playing video games and over the...