Recent content by EdwinEarth

  1. EdwinEarth

    Gaming The Division montages; Queens Tunnel Camp & Russian Consulate

    Nice solo runs. Sadly, for me, it was a tad dull.
  2. EdwinEarth

    Gaming JustFalloutThings

    Hmm. I feel a bit disappointed. Sorry mate.
  3. EdwinEarth

    What kind of injuries in video games are uncomfortable for you to watch?

    "Step one, crawl into the dark machine. Step two, the screws go tight all around. Cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye." (shudder) Also, ankles, wrists or other twisty and/or crickity crackity sounds when blunt forces make contact... @.@
  4. EdwinEarth

    What do you use to record your games?

    For recording on the Desktop I use 'Action!'. It works well! =] I use a Studio Microphone called the Blue Yeti Mic. For editing I use Sony Vegas. Note: be certain you have plenty of Harddrive space if you intend to record in bulk. =]
  5. EdwinEarth


    A mate of mine got me into it during the final day of Beta. I enjoyed my time playing, but I feel it's not the game that'll hold my interest. Still, was entertaining. =]
  6. EdwinEarth

    How long do you take to make thumbnails?

    ~20min. It's easy once you have the idea in mind =]
  7. EdwinEarth

    What is a fair YouTube Upload Schedule?

    That's quite a lot! You really are Unstoppable, Frost! =] I've been meaning to ask: What's the norm for 'Review Channels', for both ways? Sincerely, Edwin
  8. EdwinEarth

    What is a fair YouTube Upload Schedule?

    Many people dislike Monday because it's the beginning of the work week. I figure I'll upload something comical for them to watch before/after work to lift their spirits! =]
  9. EdwinEarth

    What is a fair YouTube Upload Schedule?

    I don't think an answer could be any more blunt. (giggle)
  10. EdwinEarth

    What is a fair YouTube Upload Schedule?

    Hello Freedom! As the title asks, what do you think is a fair uploading schedule for your YouTube channel? I try to upload every Friday, Saturday and Monday. I only upload one video on those days, that way I have time to edit said videos. =] Sincerely, Edwin
  11. EdwinEarth

    Highlights or full gameplay

    It depends on the game, I think. I myself started with Full-Game and am transitioning to highlights that cover the base story of what I'm doing, as well as the shenanigans my mates and I rant on with. x]
  12. EdwinEarth

    Games You're Recording?

    Hello! I am going to take part in this thread! =] I am currently recording and have recorded: Fallout 4, Oddworld, The Division, Among the Sleep, Layers of Fear, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Zelda the Wind Waker, Metroid Prime 2, Battleblock Theater, Left 4 Dead 2, and Diablo 3. =] As...
  13. EdwinEarth

    Anyone got any good editing softwares?

    I would suggest playing around with your Project and Render settings if it seems slow. Don't forget, the more Tracks you have, the slower the Playback. The Actual Video (heaven forbid the raw is slow) should not be hindered. If it's design, play around with a few free trials. That's what I did...
  14. EdwinEarth

    Getting Personal

    I intend to be formal and blunt. I may not share much in the way of what's going on in my life, but I'll definitely list highlights, as well as drawbacks should my YouTube Schedule become less flexible. =]