Recent content by GullyPlays Pokemon

  1. G

    the big fight tomorrow

    So who you guys putting money on to win!? mines on conor mcgregor
  2. G

    Gaming im 22 Male,from the UK

    Hey im looking for people to do youtube videos with dead by daylight call of duty zombies overwatch etc just add me on playstation Gully1001
  3. G

    PlayStation Add me on PSN

    Add me on psn if you play call of duty fifa and overwatch etc! like to make new friends..
  4. G

    Gaming Check me out guys!

    Hello im trying this youtube stuff out and its a blast i hope i meet some nice people and make friends on the way so check me out on youtube its *Gullyjr* hit me up in the messages ill be gladly to look at yours
  5. G

    Gaming Orisa Competitive Gameplay with Q&A

    nice video dude! how do you use orisa is beyond me lol
  6. G

    Gaming Just hit 30 Subscribers :)

    Congrats on the 30 subs!!
  7. G

    Gaming Kyrie's YouTube channel

    Nice channel dude