Recent content by jordancpsmith

  1. jordancpsmith

    Gaming Hi everyone.

    Hello, fantastic introduction there from yourself :) I look forward to seeing you around here :)
  2. jordancpsmith

    Entertainment My YouTube Story

    I know what you mean with that - btw don't forget to add your subscribe button to your signature with this guide :)
  3. jordancpsmith

    Gaming Check out one video, YOU WILL LIKE IT! I PROMISE!!!

    hey there welcome to the forum :) why not tell us a bit more about yourself first? :)
  4. jordancpsmith

    Entertainment My YouTube Story

    wow what a story you have there :) welcome to Freedom! and I hope you enjoy it here :)
  5. jordancpsmith

    Gaming My Introduction and story

    Hello and welcome to the Freedom! Community Forums :) Wow congratulations! that number should grow now you are with us :)
  6. jordancpsmith

    Gaming Im new

    Hello and welcome to Freedom! I do hope you enjoy it here - we are a nice friendly community also known as the #FreedomFamily :)
  7. jordancpsmith

    Gaming The Flock is Coming...

    Welcome to Freedom! Please tell us a bit more about yourself :)
  8. jordancpsmith

    Gaming OHFISHAL_Batman's YouTube Story - Gaming Channel

    Hey welcome to the Freedom! Community Forums :) I do hope you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions please fire away :)
  9. jordancpsmith

    Gaming Welcome to MatchHead Games YouTube Channel!

    Hye welcome to the forum :) it is good to hear that you chose our network over many others :) I hope you enjoy it here and I will be around if you need any advice :)
  10. jordancpsmith

    Gaming TehLoneTiger's Introduction

    hey welcome to Freedom! i hope you enjoy it here :)
  11. jordancpsmith

    Entertainment Introducing Myself

    hey welcome to Freedom! I shall check out your channel :)
  12. jordancpsmith

    Gaming YouTube channel!

    Hey welcome to freedom! :)
  13. jordancpsmith

    Entertainment New Member

    Hey welcome to Freedom! I hope we can all grow healthily together :)
  14. jordancpsmith

    Community Hi I'm jordancpsmith

    Hi all I am jordancpsmith or otherwise known to many as Jordan :) I am from the good old sunny UK lol and at a ripe old age of 21. I found out about Freedom! partly through the creation of my own Facebook group to help others healthily and organically grow. I have joined the forums because if I...