Kelly McCarthy

Hello lovely people! My name is Kelly, and I'm a bubbly, light hearted but passionate optimist, with a love of art, creativity and positive thinking. I'm a singer and songwriter, practitioner of meditation and yoga, actress, and cartoonist. But I'm mostly passionate about my YouTube channel where I post weekly videos, speaking about topics having to do with choosing to go through life with a positive mindset, accompanied by my own original cartoon character creations and music just for fun. I want to help make the world a brighter place, and help everyone realize that they are never alone, and also that they can choose to look on the bright side even when all hope seems lost. I want to be there to be the friend who can do that, even if it's done online. If you guys are interested, check out my material at:

Stay bright, stay light, and stay shining lovely humans!

Kelly :)
June 18


I'm an eternal optimist, kind of a big dork, with a huge imagination and passion for positivity. Check out my project, "Kelly True Thoughts" :D