
L.A.G. is a show that focuses on classic games from our childhood. If your looking for a laugh and a great time then please subscribe for outrageous content. We have several types of videos including let's plays and others such as L.A.G. V.S. and L.A.G. Rush.

In this show you will meet Josh, The over the top loud one who's always coming up with random thoughts and ideas that make you laugh your socks off. Then there's Aaron, Sure to make you lose your mind due to an excellent form a sarcasm and outbursts so random you'll have to be put in the nuthouse. After that there's Jacob, the guy who's always thinking about male genitalia and full of energy. Travis, He's just that guy that wants nothing more than to yell at Josh for beating him in games. Kyle, the guy with the brains for coming up with some of the greatest humor you've ever heard. Finally, there's Fraser, the one that eases the tension with his subtle but hilarious takes on the other cast members and the games at hand.

