Recent content by MicroGuardian

  1. MicroGuardian

    Subscriber Milestone 30 Subscribers! Woo!!! :D

    Doesn't sound like much! But baby steps right?! I am excited for every individual subscriber and I am glad that I got to 30!
  2. MicroGuardian

    I know I'm Late, but Breaking Bad Holy WOW!

    So, Obviously I'm late on the this. But I just binged Breaking Bad and I have never been more impressed in my life! The show has AMAZING character devolvement and has amazing story arcs throughout each season. There are very few continuity errors and I can tell that they spent a lot of time...
  3. MicroGuardian

    Did Anyone Ever Play Jack and Daxter?

    The game definitely took a turn with the sequels. I think it all tied together well though :D
  4. MicroGuardian

    Importance of Intros

    Gotcha! Awesome! Glad it is working for you :D Thank You for the input!
  5. MicroGuardian

    Importance of Intros

    Okay! Does the clip that you show play again somewhere in the video?
  6. MicroGuardian

    Importance of Intros

    Most Intros I see now are graphics showing off the channel name as you said haha. There are, however, some really cool and intriguing ones that are made specifically for either that series or that episode. When I see that, I understand the commitment with it and I do not mind.
  7. MicroGuardian

    Importance of Intros

    Thanks everybody for the responses! I agree with everyone in that they are becoming too cliché. I Personally do not use them and probably will not start to do so.
  8. MicroGuardian

    Did Anyone Ever Play Jack and Daxter?

    Awesome! I never knew about the racing game! :D
  9. MicroGuardian

    Did Anyone Ever Play Jack and Daxter?

    Hmmm... Nice hahaha... Maybe a bit different. I think its the nostalgia of for me on it.
  10. MicroGuardian

    Did Anyone Ever Play Jack and Daxter?

    Okay! I Believe that the original came out for ps2. Super awesome game even for my standards today. Is the psp version any fun?
  11. MicroGuardian

    Importance of Intros

    Totally Agree with you there! Thanks for the input!
  12. MicroGuardian

    Did Anyone Ever Play Jack and Daxter?

    Jack and Daxter was one of my favorite games to play growing up. Especially the first one. I loved the story and complexity of the game (at least for when i was young). I recently replayed through the first one and I still am in love with it. Did anyone else play the game? If so, did you...
  13. MicroGuardian

    What was your first game you remember?

    Honestly the first game I remember is Spyro. That game was the best to play at friend's houses when younger :D
  14. MicroGuardian

    Gaming Hello, I am going to introduce myself!

    Welcome to Freedom! :D