Recent content by OffMyYak

  1. OffMyYak

    PC looking to colab with someone or start a YouTube gaming group?:D

    i feel like the best way to grow on YouTube is through collaboration so i was just wondering if anyone would e interested in a collab or starting a YouTube gaming circle:D
  2. OffMyYak

    PC any pc game in general!:D

    any of you pc gamers out there wanna collab?
  3. OffMyYak

    Gaming YOU guys are the best!

    thought id introduce my self and my channel to in my opinion the best forum community out there! always positive comments from really awesome people:D
  4. OffMyYak

    Gaming Upload for upload?

    I've had the idea of trying to help 2 different audiences come together by uploading someone else's video to my channel in exchange for them doing the same in order to help each other grow even. just thought it was generally better than a standard shoutout? thanks as always for reading
  5. OffMyYak

    Tips & Tricks whats the best way to improve thumbnail quality?

    struggling a little with thumbnail creation and was wondering if you guys had any helpful tips or tutorial in which you have created? thanks again:D
  6. OffMyYak

    Subscriber Milestone 3 SUBS AWAY FROM 250 SUBSCRIBERS:O

    thanks to each and every one of you who has helped me and supported my youtube channel since etc beginning this site defiantly without a doubt has the best community of people all looking to help each other! thank you!
  7. OffMyYak

    Gaming all new to freedom and sort of new to youtube:D

    yeah man il take a look at your channel and sub:D we should play sometime:D
  8. OffMyYak

    PC would anyone be interested in an Upload for upload?

    here is the link my friend
  9. OffMyYak

    PC would anyone be interested in an Upload for upload?

    i make various gaming content with commentary, anywhere from csgo to the likes of pokemon il leave a link below:D
  10. OffMyYak

    PC would anyone be interested in an Upload for upload?

    yeah that would be awesome, would you be interested in doing that or was it just a suggestion?:D
  11. OffMyYak

    Gaming all new to freedom and sort of new to youtube:D

    i run a small gaming channel and am looking to expand and meet new people within the youtube community so thought why not come to the most friendly of all forums out there and say hi to all you people at freedom!!!! :)
  12. OffMyYak

    PC would anyone be interested in an Upload for upload?

    looking at the idea of an upload for upload on my channel to try and merge audiences!