Recent content by RF Daniel

  1. R

    Is Youtube Success Just Luck?

    i think its both because you have to have luck to be seen but successful to continue.
  2. R

    Solved 11K Views on a video but $0???

    It takes a couple days
  3. R

    YouTube Best way to promote!!

    doing daily vlogs is how i gained 20 subs
  4. R

    YouTube Help with mini-series

    The 3rd idea
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    whats your favorite car
  6. R

    YouTube Trying to reach 100 subscribers

    same dude i have 153 videos i had 73 more but i deleted those but I've been doing youtube for 2 years and just hit 70 today.
  7. R

    Fun and Games If you could only access one website for the rest of your life what would it be?

    Its said no youtube or googleidk i only use google and youtube so... RANDOMLY SAYS FACEBOOK