Recent content by SoarahDesigns

  1. SoarahDesigns

    Service Dacre's Design Shop! | RELIABLE | CHEAP

    Thanks so much! I really appreciate it when people say things like this. Thanks so much! -Luke/Dacre
  2. SoarahDesigns

    Service Dacre's Design Shop! | RELIABLE | CHEAP

    My portfolio is at
  3. SoarahDesigns

    can anyone review my video and tell me what i can do to make it better?

    I can make pretty good thumbnails but I only do paid work but besides me I do not know anybody that makes thumbnails. Sorry -Luke
  4. SoarahDesigns

    can anyone review my video and tell me what i can do to make it better?

    Hello MomBooShuGaming, I really liked your video and I subscribed. I enjoy your videos but some improvement ideas I have are below. Get someone to do thumbnails (They can attract more people to your videos.) Upload a consistent rate or have a consistent schedule for your video uploads. Try to...
  5. SoarahDesigns

    Gaming Yo guys! Proud to present Johnny Gamer -Plays & my gaming history !

    Actually, I have 6 videos. ANd thank you.
  6. SoarahDesigns

    Gaming Dynamont | Horror & Story Based Games (No CoD or Minecraft) :)

    Hello Stephen, I am very happy to welcome you to Freedom! If you have any questions or concerns about anything, feel free to contact me or another member as a lot of us are willing to help each other. After all, Freedom is a family that is willing to help each other grow and help each other over...
  7. SoarahDesigns

    Gaming Hi there, I'm Vic!

    Hello Vic, Welcome to Freedom! If you have any questions feel free to message me or another member about them. We will try to help you resolve your issue as Freedom is a family. Like I said, welcome and I subscribed to your channel. Also, cool name, Vic is really creative. Good luck, -Luke/Soarah
  8. SoarahDesigns

    Gaming Yo guys! Proud to present Johnny Gamer -Plays & my gaming history !

    Hello, welcome to Freedom! To fix your subscribe button that just says "Error" right now, please go to where you set it up and instead of putting in the whole YouTube channel link, just put the weird numbers and letters after the /channel/. So, you have to go to your YouTube channel and grab the...
  9. SoarahDesigns

    Gaming Help me to grow

    Hello, welcome to Freedom! To help get views please look at the list below of different ways. Make sure to upload consistently. Quality over Quanity which means, it is better to upload 3 really good and high quality videos to your channel a week than 5 low quality videos. People want to watch...
  10. SoarahDesigns

    GFX Request Looking to pay for good logo and maybe banner

    Hello, I can make you a banner for a somewhat cheap price.If you private message me here on the forums your Skype name, we can discuss the price and what it should look like. I can make you the banner but not the logo as I am not very good with logos. To discuss just private message me your...
  11. SoarahDesigns

    Gaming Introducing Soarah Designs!

    Thank you so much! I try to act has formal and mature as possible because people don't want to watch a kid who is very immature. I read through the guide that you sent to me and than you, I fixed my YouTube subscribe button in my signature as well. Thanks everyone, -Soarah/Luke
  12. SoarahDesigns

    Gaming Introducing Soarah Designs!

    Your name/alias:Hello, my name is Luke or Soarah, people call me Soarah because of my graphics design company named Soarah Designs and also from my YouTube channel. Luke is my actual named and Soarah is a cool name that I thought of one day and have been called it ever since. Where are you...