Recent content by xxkoyukixx

  1. xxkoyukixx

    YouTube problem with copyright

    thanks for the answer :) the song is a cover of the doctor willy stage (made by myself)i put it when i was configuring some stuff on the stream and it was just the music and an image on my stream, i see that i could appeal on that, but if i dont win the appeal they gonnaput an strike on my...
  2. xxkoyukixx

    YouTube problem with copyright

    i just did a stream on youtube and they put a copyright note on the stream, but i used only songs of my own on the stream, i checked the song they said it has cpyright and they dont even look a like ._. ¡what can i do on that case?
  3. xxkoyukixx

    Resuelto un pequeño problema al subir videos

    Oh muchas gracias :) lo corregire lo mas pronto posible :) (aunque solo es el audio del juego, supongo que la musica del juego tendra copyright ._.) lo tendre en cuenta
  4. xxkoyukixx

    Resuelto un pequeño problema al subir videos

    ammm disculpen tengo una duda, descargue el kit de la pagina pero cuando voy a publicar mi video en youtube me aparece esto ._. ¿alguien sabe por que es? (ya habia subido un video antes y todo iba bien) (disculpen di esto no iba aqui n_nU)
  5. xxkoyukixx

    me presento :)

    gracias :)
  6. xxkoyukixx

    me presento :)

    muchas gracias ayer estuve paseandome por el foro y lei la seccion de preguntas frecuentes
  7. xxkoyukixx

    me presento :)

    mi nombre es koyuki sadaharu y acabo de unirme a freedom hace unos dias :) mi canal es un poco pequeño aun pero quiero compartir mis videos con el mundo y esta network parece una de las mejores
  8. xxkoyukixx

    Gaming just join freedom yesterday

    hi, i introduce myself, my name is koyuki sadaharu, i think this network its pretty good, and i would like to get more subscribers , so i can work in what i like, i love to make youtube videos and i would like to share my videos with the world :) you can find me, by searching "koyuki sadaharu"...