Search results

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    PC Collaboration on Minecraft and Pixelmon!

    I could use someone to collab with
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    Channel hiatus

    I'm might have to stop making videos for awhile or at least cut down uploading from 10 videos between my 2 channels to 2 a week or less :(:(:(:(
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    I've noticed a few videos on Youtube, claiming that Freedom is a scam.

    i agree heck i joined nearly a year ago cause i heard youtubers in networks have a better chance of beating false copyright claims and to get help growing my channel cause i didnt know how to do that (still not 100% sure) but i at least understood the amount of work id need to do to grow my channel
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    Gaming Bearlirious's introduction.

    thanks bearlirious i still cant believe after almost a year that anyone even subbed to me lol
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    Gaming My Channel Trailer/ 1 Year Anniversary Video

    Well heres my 1 year anniversary/channel trailer video
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    Gaming GamerBlamer (Introduction)

    you guys could try to talk on discord to talk its similiar to skype but you can open it in your browser and dont have to download anything
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    YouTube 1 year anniversary of my channel

    in a few months its gonna be 1 year since i started youtube and i want to celebrate with a special video. now i have a couple ideas but i was hoping for some other ideas the only one i can think of is edit a few of my videos together as a montage showcasing how far my channel has come
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    Origin PC

    does anyone know how good's desktops/laptops are?
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    Fun and Games The 3 Word Game!

    that suck a**
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    Gaming How I started Youtube!

    welcome and im with you it would be great to make youtube a full time job instead of just a hobby (is it a job though if you enjoy it)
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    Fun and Games The one who posts the last here wins!

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    Gaming About me!

    congrats on 100 subs
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    Gaming Hello guys

    if i could somehow make youtube my full time job instead of just a hobby it would be the best day of my life XD
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    Gaming New Minecraft Channel

    welcome to the minecraft, youtube and freedom communities
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    how to come up with names for gameplay videos

    i was actually gonna make a thread about this myself good thing i looked first
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    VR Public Minecraft Server

    ok wanted to see if it was modded or not
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    Tips & Tricks My new series

    i just started my first minecraft roleplay and was hoping someone could give me some advice on how to make it better heres the link of the first episode
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    For small channels

    no minecraft? b-b-but thats one of the few games my pc can handle