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  1. MyCross ToBare

    Ideas and Help with my Channel

    Sounds good. I will probably do a few things, between instructional, motivational, and going into the work of what it takes to become a professional bodybuilder.
  2. MyCross ToBare

    Ideas and Help with my Channel

    Youtube link added into the profile now. Hopefully this will help. Thanks again.
  3. MyCross ToBare

    Ideas and Help with my Channel

    I will add the link into the profile then. I don't know why I didn't do that in the first place.
  4. MyCross ToBare

    Ideas and Help with my Channel

    Currently I am working on a segement called Road to Becoming a Pro. I'm looking to get my pro card in the physique division by the end of next year. So I usually post short clips, and probably going to stay at like 5 to 10 minute workout videos.
  5. MyCross ToBare

    Ideas and Help with my Channel

    Hello everyone, So, I was going to do gaming on my channel and turned pulled a total 180 on the channel. I removed the gaming stuff, and started posting stuff in relation to bodybuilding. Especially for the young, up and coming athlete. Any advice and constructive criticism is appreciated. I...
  6. MyCross ToBare

    Community Hey Everyone :)

    I play all games if they're interesting enough. I tend to stick more towards MMORPGs lol. Currently I am YouTubing to figure everything out. I want to do both whenever I get in a position to do both. I would love to help others with their channel. I will be going back to college in the fall...
  7. MyCross ToBare

    Community Hey Everyone :)

    My names Joe and I got by several alias online, but usually it's MyCross ToBare, or Iron Grunt. Both names I was actually given during my time in the Army. I've never lived in one spot for more than three years, until recently which I'm glad to call Kentucky my home. I'm 30 years old and I...