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  1. The Realm Of The Geek

    Did anyone ever get an app from Future Today Inc?

    If you want to make one, hit me up, I can help :)
  2. The Realm Of The Geek

    Fun and Games Fizz Buzz

    The rules are easy... I start with saying "1".. Now, you, the community, must count the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number For the multiples of five print, “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”. See...
  3. The Realm Of The Geek

    Need help!

    In my opinion, it'd be better to do what YOU want to do. When you give the opinion to other people, you can never deliver the same experience that viewers would get if you chose the games. Peoples' attitudes change when they adjust to other peoples opinions, so, if you chose, it makes it the...
  4. The Realm Of The Geek

    Question Regarding Website

    Hmm, I don't really think you should.. I say this because out of those 3,600 people that followed your site for Wrestling News, I'd imagine only around 5% of them would actually view some gaming content on a mainly-wrestling content site.. and I'd imagine only about 2% of the 5% that saw the...
  5. The Realm Of The Geek

    Did anyone ever get an app from Future Today Inc?

    I've never heard of seen someone get an app from them.. If you're looking to get a custom app / website though, I'd love to help out :)
  6. The Realm Of The Geek

    Educational I'm a YouTube Coding channel...

    Cutting straight to the point, I am a programmer that likes to teach how to code. I also am doing a series about making websites for YouTubers who don't already have one, and/or would like to have a fully custom website. I've been doing YouTube for a while now, but I've just started trying hard...