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  1. darkstylezvideo

    Gaming Darkstylezvideo Live Streams and Gaming Content

    This is where I am posting all of my newest videos and will also post brand new live streams as soon as it starts this will also be a place for others to ask me to do certain anime reviews and to ask for collaborations too.
  2. darkstylezvideo

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    Here's my latest vlog I made for everyone here in freedom family because I have too many say they want to give up. So I made this to help people not give up and to help they keep going and grow their channel. Hope you all like it. If you do then please spread the vid around so everyone in...
  3. darkstylezvideo

    Post YOUR artwork!

    Here's my channel art I just recently finished doing. You guys tell me if ya like it or if there's something I should improve on it. Thanks in advance. :)