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  1. GetVlogified

    VLOG 7 Months Later???

    7 months since I made a video, but damn is it good to be doing it again! Peep the new content and subscribe if you enjoyed. And be sure to follow the social media links in the description!
  2. GetVlogified

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    It's been a while since I've posted a video so I decided something to do something different. Something more true to myself and I hope you all can join in on this with me! Enjoy and it's good to be back :)
  3. GetVlogified

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    We got ourselves a whole new workout! Let's get some love on this one and get swole ladies and gents!
  4. GetVlogified

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    Let's get shredded starting with a good Chest and forearm day!!
  5. GetVlogified

    Fun and Games Let's Count to 100,000!

    4881 LETS GOOOOOO!!!!
  6. GetVlogified

    What are you listening to?

    I've been jammin to this entire EP! Such feel good vibes for the summer!
  7. GetVlogified

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    I decided to look through all 13k tweets of mine and recorded my reactions to a choice few, especially from back in the old days. Embarrassment ensues! Hope y'all enjoy!
  8. GetVlogified

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    Oh man, I have two announcements and are they big ones!! Hope to see people getting as excited as I am for these projects to come to fruition!
  9. GetVlogified

    YouTube YouTube is Removing G+ integration on YouTube!

    Google+ made things such an unnecessary hassle on Youtube. I remember using YouTube a few years back when everything was a lot simpler. I wonder how this'll change the channel designs, if at all, as well as the comments and profile management.
  10. GetVlogified

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    Not one of my greatest videos but just running some more tests with my GoPro Hero 4 Silver. Hope y'all enjoy!