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  1. Deccoyi

    Solved My Channel Status is "Under Review" on Freedom dashboard

    Okey someone fixed it. 2nd channel doesn't have any videos I actually accidenaly applied with it :) But if I go big I'll need that channel :) Problem solved. Thank you and every other staff member
  2. Deccoyi

    Solved My Channel Status is "Under Review" on Freedom dashboard

    My 2nd channel's name is "Coyistik 2". This link goes to Coyistik 2. But it has my main channel's name: "Coyistik". The weird thing is I cant see my main channel's link on my dashboard. And the other weird thing is my 2nd channel is not partnered. :)
  3. Deccoyi

    Solved Sidebar Options Blacked Out

    They are probably changing something. I think Papa George will explain it tomorrow :)
  4. Deccoyi

    Solved My Channel Status is "Under Review" on Freedom dashboard

    It says my channel is under review but I am a freedom partner for over 8 months or something like that. Is it a bug or is something changed? Edit: Sorry my bad. it links to my other channel. But it has my main channel's name on it. İt is weird
  5. Deccoyi

    Solved Need Other Payment Methods

    I talked about this with support team (O'm also Turkish). They said earnings will stay in your account and paypal comes back you will be able to get your earnings as catch-up payments. Paypal announced that they are trying to renew their licence in turkey and trying to come back. If you are not...
  6. Deccoyi

    Network Speak Another Language? Freedom! Needs You!

    It is not on the list but I can make Turkish translations. I make subtitles for pewdiepie for fun :) I can do it here too :) ps: I don't have the badge but i am a Freedom partner :)
  7. Deccoyi

    Solved Does Freedom! change my monetization settings?

    I don't know if it is possible for networks to do something like this but I am not doing anything. I thought I could ask you guys. I am not accusing anyone :) In my videos in monetization tab I never enable Non-skippable video ads. But sometimes somehow it becomes enable. Is it the network or...
  8. Deccoyi

    Solved How Can I get partnered with freedom "again"?

    We dont celebrate xmas in my country. And we dont have looong holidays:confused:. I didn't know that it was taking a lot of time to prepare for xmas.:eek: Last time I got invited it was quick. (y) (Y)I guess i was expected the same thing.(facepalm)
  9. Deccoyi

    Solved How Can I get partnered with freedom "again"?

    It has been 12 days since my first spport ticket. Still nothing. :(:(:(
  10. Deccoyi

    Solved Still waiting

    I think there is a problem with support or all freedom these days. Because I am waiting intvitation for 11-12 days. I posted 2 tickets and get the exact same answers.
  11. Deccoyi

    Solved Youtube Subscribe button not appearing

    edit: i didn't see that its solved then my post was wrong. sorry edit2: why cant we delete our posts o_O
  12. Deccoyi

    Wht do you think about my Twitch Design

    This is my twitch channel What do you think about the offline screen. And description images (or whatever its called :) ) This is streaming overlay :) Ending scene
  13. Deccoyi

    My NEW Banner

    Its ok :) But Why is it a video ?
  14. Deccoyi

    Solved How Can I get partnered with freedom "again"?

    I hope I can get an answer this time :confused:
  15. Deccoyi

    Solved How Can I get partnered with freedom "again"?

    I was a partner and I unlinked my channel couple months ago. It was a wrong decision.:( Now I want to partner with freedom again. I added my channel on the dashboard. It says its active but I didn't get any invitations. Then I posted a ticket to support portal thay told me this "I will forward...
  16. Deccoyi

    What Do you think of my logo?

    I think you should use higher dpi. and these lines are not straight.
  17. Deccoyi

    Wht do you think about my banner/logo

    Thank you guys for advices :) Yes hexagons. I am using GIMP. Filters > Disort > Mosaic :)
  18. Deccoyi

    Wht do you think about my banner/logo

    I think I need a better logo than that controller. Do you have any suggestions?
  19. Deccoyi

    Solved Why revenue share (%) 60 ?

    I saw this guy's other topic. I dont think he could contact support :) So here is your Turkish helper :) (Not perfect but I yhink itsbetter :) ) Panpa şimdi yukarda adamların dediği destek bölümüne yaz demişler. Yukarda support yazıyo oraya gir üye ol. Sonra formu doldur. Şöyle bişey...
  20. Deccoyi

    Solved How Can I Re-Join?

    I was think ing about quiting youtube and I ended my partnership with freedom. But I didn't delete my channel. Now I am starting again. How can I rejoin freedom? I added my channel on dashboard. It says its active. But I didn't get any invitations on youtube. Is it possible to rejoin the network?