
  1. PSNDeJKriz

    GFX Request Mascot/Avatar [Serious Artists Only]

    Hello, I have been in search for a long time for someone who can at least recreate and or add there own personal touch on for a mascot/avatar for my social media, What am I looking for? I have a few references and I am looking for someone who can create a avatar/mascot that is a person but also...
  2. Trong Nguyen

    How much you care about Seagames 29?

    How much you care about Seagames? Do you know what the mascot of Seagames 29 is? I draw mascot Seagames 29, Please clik here:
  3. Drawyah

    YouTube Which style of Mascot do you prefer?

    Hey guys, So I've asked a friend of mine to make some mascots for my channel. We are just under half way through them all, but we would like a vote on which style you guys would prefer! There is an image linked with that Poll which shows the 3 choices...