
  1. AreebSK

    Solved Incorrect Earnings?

    Hello guys! I run a youtube channel with the name "Chaos Gaming" and have joined Freedom about a month or 3 weeks ago. The thing is, I usually have my CPM around $4-$6. That's an okay CPM as far as I know, but the thing is: I am getting about 20-40 views on my videos. I should be at least...
  2. AreebSK

    Solved Channel Network Unlink??

    Hey whats up guys. I recently changed my youTube name. I had about $0.70 on youtube analytics page. 2 days ago, it changed to $0.35. Now, on my freedom dashboard, it says, "one or more of your channels are not linked, you are missing out potential reveinue" and something like that. On my...