Resources I Need Criticism on my channel!


Rising User
Jan 17, 2016
Hey guys, My name is BerryGamez, And i have been trying to grow my channel in subscribers, views, comments, really anything. If you could, i would really appreciate it if you could review my channel and give me some tips on how i can edit, change my banners, icons, how i talk, my intro, outro, Literally Anything would be helpful!!! Thank you everyone!!!


Rising User
Jan 31, 2016
Hey Berry your content seems good but one piece of advice is try n shorten the videos try n take out the stuff where nothink happens :)

kensta fps games

Rising User
Feb 2, 2016
Hey Berry your content seems good but one piece of advice is try n shorten the videos try n take out the stuff where nothink happens :)

agreed i had the same problem a slump on youtube of my own i worked it out my videos where way too long and some parts where just boring to watch for myself so why would others watch now i have dramitically changed that and it works ! keep the good work up and mayb some more montages of best momments and so on :p or keep the long ones if u wanted and do another video for the best bits of that video then put a link in the original video for the best bits and people who dont want to watch the full game will click that and be happy to watch the full video of the edit :p