zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
I wouldn't say that single player games are dying per say thought it does seem that publishers are putting more emphasis on the online multiplayer aspect of games

Rockstars 1815

Rising User
Jan 4, 2018
Well sadly enough I feel multiplayer games are starting to turn up more in the market than single player games and this is for sure due to the demands of the community, mainly fps titles due to the increasing interest.
I would still love to see many multiplayer games in a single format


Rising User
Jan 17, 2018
I would think it really depends on what you use to play. For most PC gamers like myself single player games are the best and FPS games rule supreme. For most console gamers multiplayer is a big part of the decision making since you can get multiple friends in one room.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
i think in regards to single player games there is getting less of them however the quality of them is getting better so i think it evens out and multiplayer is just the future really its how everything will go and i love my online games


New User
Mar 20, 2018
I love playing both multiplayer and singleplayer games. It's fun to relax with some friends and play some multiplayer games, but I always find myself wanting to play some singleplayer games for the experience and the story.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Dec 27, 2016
Multiplayer games are usually not my preference, due to my....I wouldn't say I'm a misanthrope but it's just that my social skills are not too good and I'm kind of awkward XD

Also, if the success of games like Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey showed, singleplayer games are surely not dead, even if you retort with the defense of 'but thats Nintendo'. Even recent indies like Crypt of the NecroDancer, Slay the Spire, etc showed it's not dead either.

Zac Hall

New User
Freedom! Member
Oct 21, 2016
I personally would like to see more games like monster hunter world offline mode where you don't need internet and then you're able to hop on and play with friends as needed/wanted.

Knotty Stripes

Rising User
Apr 21, 2018
Well I think it depends on your preference at the moment...like if you wanna enjoy a nice story driven game I would say single player, it's kinda hard to do that online because people talk to much lol but if you wanna game with your friends and have epic adventures with your squad then I would say multiplayer.


Freedom! Member
Do you think Single player games are dying and mulitplayer games rising or it's the other way arround?
Honestly, I couldn't really care less about multiplayer games. I especially try to avoid games that require co-op, because I don't have anyone to play those kinds of games with. And as for the games like TF2 where everyone kills each other, they don't really interest me that much anymore. I tend to avoid those too. That's why I don't really have any plans to play PUBG or Fortnite. Well, that, and the fact that I suck at those kind of games. I do sometimes play MMORPG games, but even then, I usually tend to play on my own and avoid the "party" missions.


Don't Drown It's not good for your health
Freedom! Member
Mar 25, 2015
It's honestly up to the player.
When I started playing multiplayer games exclusively I thought that multiplayer games were popping up all over the place and online gaming was being promoted. For years I felt this.
I recently started playing Singleplayer games and felt like I was seeing a whole lot of those popping up. I thought that the singleplayer games were being promoted more.
The truth is, based on your account on whatever platform you're using (whether that be your console, steam, or youtube etc.) they show what games you may be interested in. I personally see a lot of singleplayer games because that's what I look for and that's what's suggested to me. Those are the games I'm interested in so I tend to block everything else out.

There are a lot of multiplayer and singleplayer games coming out. I'm seeing a whole lot of singleplayer games and I honestly feel like they're starting to make a comeback. But that just might be me realizing the singleplayer community that has always existed, and was never dead to begin with. It was just silent.

Bear Oclock

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
May 28, 2015
i dont think one is going or out but i think single player or getting a little over shadowed by all the battle royal games out at the moment but single player like tomb raider and that always has a place its just the time of release

Traf Plays

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 10, 2016
I think there is a balance of single player and multiplayer tbh. But the big game producers are pushing multiplayer for nothing but revenue. Example, Fortnite. A multiplayer game that has ingame currencies to buy skins etc. You will be seeing your friend with the top of the line outfits you would more likely want to buy it and show it off, however in singleplayer, whats the point of buying a skin when you'll never return to the singleplayer game when the story is over..