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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:27 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Where/How to find Flinter in the Bloodshot Stronghold.

Just a short way past the room where you kill Lee, Dan, Ralph and Mick for the side quest "Splinter Group," you'll find a room with 4 manipulable objects - a wheel, a television switch, a wall-lever and a floor-lever. Manipulating each of them changes the 5 lights in a certain manner. Getting all 5 lights to turn green will cause Flinter to spawn and crawl out of a hole.

I do not know if this is a 100%-accurate, works-all-the-time-every-time combination, but this worked out twice for me - with all 5 lights red, turn the wheel once, hit the TV switch twice, and pull the lever on the wall three times.

Not related to a Challenge, but it's a cute little easter egg to go along with the rest of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles references.

Disclaimer: Borderlands 2 is a game developed by Gearbox Software, and published by 2K Games - I do not have any affiliation/association with Gearbox or 2K, nor do I claim to have any affiliation/association with them. I do not own, or claim to own, any part of the displayed content - this video is for entertainment purposes only.
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