Reaper of Souls - Achievement Guide - Vecin Kvetchin' [2/5] - Act 2

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:31 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Begin at Act 2.1 (Shadows in the Desert). Two conversations will be available:
0:00 - The Enchantress
0:28 - Blacksmith

Speak with Leah to advance the quest, then return to Myriam for two more conversations:
0:46 - The Weight of the World
1:12 - The Coven

1:36 - Family - begin at Act 2.2 (The Road to Alcarnus); speak with Myriam. Having this conversation will unlock "Jeweler."
2:04 - Jeweler - unlocked by having the conversation "Family" with Myriam.
2:35 - The Closed City - begin at Act 2.4 (A Royal Audience); speak with Tyrael to advance the quest, then speak with Myriam.
3:06 - Followers - begin at Act 2.5 (Unexpected Allies); speak with Myriam.

Begin at Act 2.6 (Betrayer of the Horadrim). Two conversations will initially be available:
3:49 - Adria's Intentions - having this conversation will unlock "Myriam's Concern."
4:20 - Myriam's Concern - unlocked by having the conversation "Adria's Intentions" with Myriam.
4:36 - Zoltun Kulle

5:03 - Zoltun Kulle's Trechary - begin at Act 2.8 (The Black Soulstone); speak with Myriam. Having this conversation will unlock "Changing the Future."
5:31 - Changing the Future - unlocked by having the conversation "Zoltun Kulle's Trechary" with Myriam.
6:24 - Belial - begin at Act 2.10 (Lord of Lies); speak with Myriam.
6:45 - Belial's Defeat - whack Belial. Return to the Hidden Camp. Speak with Myriam.
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