Comments Freedom Own Video Platform

Violeta León

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 9, 2018
Hi! everyone, I was just think, why dont freedom family open their own video platform? How will freedom earn money? I have the answer, just ask for a suscription, people will pay to only watch videos without the annoying ads that now youtube have. How will the content creator make money? by how many people watch their videos. All the money collected has two directions, one portion to freedom and the second one, share between all content creators according the views they had. Not suscribers amount needed and freedom will have to review videos before being public to avoid those who arent proper to the platform. I think this way, we all get to keep having fun making awesome videos and forget about youtube and their rules. At freedom platform, will have their own rules. Its kind of similar like skillshare, they are a teaching platform, with their own rules, people get to watch the videos without the ads and still all people get to have revenue for what they are uploading. At freedom there are many big and great channels that can make this platform be the best ever. The big question will be, are we as a family, willing to make it work? From me, I'll be the one at the freedom platform. what about the rest?


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
This sounds interesting, not sure whether it would work though. I'll probably go off on a lot of emptying out my brain about it so sorry if this turns into a lengthier reply.

Sure, the idea sounds great and all, free money taken from people willingly, but I don't think it would work out that well. Starting an own video platform is a TON of work, especially if you have to be done with it by Feb 20 before the affected partners abandon the Network. I'm afraid this wouldn't really work out.

Manually reviewing posts would require a ton of manpower or just take weeks for videos to be bulk published and if you get 50 videos made public at the same time each week nobody's going to watch them except if you have a huge amount of people willing to watch them. And before you can say "No" you'll already have bulk uploads and flood without effort. With this you'd also have to decide whether you want to use that site or YouTube. And that's kind of the point. YouTube shows your video for free while you're asked to use a site that wants you to pay for it. And if I want to support someone I go to their Patreon page and send them money directly, knowing that person gets it and gets a smile on their face.

I know my opinion on this really isn't representing any amount of people, I pay for literally nothing online, last time I did pay for anything online was a year ago so I might not be the guy to ask. FWIW Unless this gains serious traction and stops channels from uploading on YouTube and exclusively on that website I can't really see the success in this. But hey, surprises can always happen!


Community Team
Community Team!
Verified Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
May 19, 2017
It will be hard and talk about how much you will need to get it all up, The web servers demand for lots of web traffic and how you control copyright been uploaded. Look what happen to vidme and will see how hard to have any video site.


Mythic User
I believe George actually wanted to do this but the deal didn't go through. Video hosting is huge investment and a very competitive market with facebook and YouTube. Even now YouTube is just breaking even with the running cost vs revenue they are generating. was quite popular but the industry was too hard to break into and they had to close down. I definitely like the idea if it was possible maybe some time in the future who knows.
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Stefan Grant

Staff Member
Freedom! Member
Sep 2, 2015
I believe George actually wanted to do this but the deal didn't go through. Video hosting is huge investment and a very competitive market with facebook and YouTube. Even now YouTube is just breaking even with the running cost vs revenue they are generating. was quite popular but the industry was too hard to break into and they had to close down. I definitely like the idea if it was possible maybe some time in the future who knows.

This is actually something we looked in to a while back but moved away from as it just is not economically viable at the moment. Bandwidth, Redundancy's and storage are just to expensive for platforms like this currently. Services like Skillshare and Udemy negate these as they have found a niche. Udemy for instance has a 97% rate of selling at least 3 copy's of every course on its platform covering cost. To open this up to any type of content ala YT and Vid me invites to much content to manage and turn a profit on.

Youtube for example after all this time only hit break even in 2014 and seems to be still at break even today from reports. The CEO of YouTube said in a report at the end of last year YT is still in the "Investment stage" Which does not mean they not profitable but likely means all money is going back in to the platform or resources around it to break even point. You Tube also is very much an R and D platform for experimentation to further googles other products. For example the data compression designed for YT is now implemented in some way in all of googles other products saving them money and making those other platforms more profitable. All the analytical data from YT allows YouTube to better target other ad's such as banners on websites theres so many other ways the platform has helped googles other products it does not need to be profitable.

So many video platforms have come and gone over the last 10 years and no one has really been able to see success as a start up platform.
