Network Might need some help from Freedom Staff


Respected User
Freedom! Member
So for around 1 and a half years i've used Extra Terra music. normally this music is copyrighted but i was given an automated message to remove any claims that appear. on my most recent video i used the below music and i now have a copyright claim blocking the video in all countries. this is really f*cking up my views as most of my views come in the first 24 hours of the videos launch. i have emailed Extra Terra and have filed the dispute. nothing has happened at the moment. i'll notify you if anything changes but i might just have to wait til the 30 days are up and the claim is automatically released due to the inactivity on the claimants side. just thought i'd let freedom know.

bandicam 2017-10-21 21-46-54-458.jpg

bandicam 2017-10-21 21-46-13-165.jpg

bandicam 2017-10-21 21-48-02-530.jpg


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hey Robin,

Sorry I'm just seeing this post now, forums didn't show them to me for some reason and cassowary only threw it out.

There's not much you can do here. Personally I wouldn't have used some preset response for the appeal but instead written up my own message explaining the song was open to use etc. All you can do now is hope for someone to answer to either the claim or the (wise decision you made there) email. Freedom! can't do stuff there either, if it was that easy content ID would be useless and just beat up channels with ten views that can't be in a network yet.

TLDR for this time you can wait for a reply to appeal or email, in the future I'd personally recommend to grab rights for the music either directly from the producer or through any other written clear way. Also I'd advise against using magical phrases said by someone in comments. Write up your own message (It can be tiring, I've done it three times in the past) explaining the music has been released into the public domain by the producer, etc. Using this you have a stronger point in case the dispute is rejected. And I can't say this enough, rather use emails than YouTube's appeal system.