Gaming 3rd times the charm....


Rising User
Oct 22, 2017
Hi guys! My name is James, although I use the Stage Name of Grimm. Why Grimm? Well, long story short, I spent 12 years as a Pro Wrestler under the name James Grimm Blackwell and have used the Grimm name for anything Entertainment related. This is my 2nd attempt at starting a Gaming/Nerd Culture Channel, and my 3rd time running a Channel. I love gaming, anime, comics, sci-fi, etc and this is something I have wanted to do for a long time. The previous channel I attempted to start was set up as a two man operation and after only one video my partner bailed and took 17 hours of content with him. That was in 2015 and I kinda gave up for awhile. Now I'm back (albeit with less than 10% of the equipment and resources) and ready to set into this new channel and finally doing what I love. I look forward to getting to know you guys and working together to achieve our dreams of Youtube success. I want to apologize in advance for the low quality of the content I will be releasing initially... I have a Pauper setup if there ever was one. I look forward to growing with all you of you!


Rising User
Oct 22, 2017
Welcome to the forums and good luck on your 3rd time around!

What's the most important thing that you have learnt from your previous channels that you will be doing with your new channel?

The biggest one would have to be that this channel is designed to be run by myself alone. I do have a couple of people who plan to be a part of this channel as well, but I have not allowed them any authority or access to channel content. Everything is recorded, edited, stored, and uploaded by myself. So even if the others bail, the channel wont be killed or hurt (too bad) by it.

I have also learned the importance of pre-planning. It was something I neglected with the previous channels. While I did promote and market the channels themselves, I never planned the content very well, or even the direction of the channel. I tended to do what seemed most interesting to me at the time without thinking about the audience or how to make it make sense within the purview of the channel's overall scheme.

Another thing would be sub4sub. I use to do s4s but I was among the minority or viewed it as Creators supporting Creators. If I subbed someone then I was active on their channel (watching videos, commenting, sharing, etc). I quickly learned that most sub4sub people did not do this. So I wont be doing that with this channel.

I'm using extremely limited resources now compared to what I had previously. So alot of the higher quality things I learned to do with my content are out of the question right now. The computer I'm stuck with at the moment isnt even strong enough to do basic Screen Recording. Luckily it runs Shotcut just fine, so making videos is a bit of a hassle at the moment. I learned about things like Patreon in the later stages of my previous channel. So I intend to implement that with this one, with every dime earned being directly reinvested into the channel for equipment, software, etc. I'm not even trying to make profit off my channel, my goal right now (and for the foreseeable future) is to have the channel be self-sufficient. If I can make enough money with the channel to allow for better content on the channel then I will call it a success! My primary focus is making the best possible content with the resources I have available, anything beyond that is just icing on the cake.
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Rising User
Oct 22, 2017
Definitely some great tips for channels starting out. Even without the expensive equipment I'm sure you can make some great content.

In my opinion, content is about the creator's ability and passion. It's not about 1080p, fancy graphics, or special effects. All of that stuff helps grab a viewers attention, but if the creator doesnt have the natural ability to entertain and/or inform then it doesnt matter. A friend of mine once said, "You can take all of Ozzy Osborne's staging, effects, lighting, and promotion.... but if the artist sounds like nails on a chalkboard... then it's just crap with a fancy backdrop."


Forum Administrator // YouTuber... -ish
Freedom! Member
Feb 21, 2014
Hi Grimm and welcome to the Freedom! forums. That's the spirit! Try and try until you succeed (or reach the goal) :D Meanwhile, here are some cool things you can do as a new member:
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If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Good luck with your channel and happy foruming! :D:D
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The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Hi guys! My name is James, although I use the Stage Name of Grimm. Why Grimm? Well, long story short, I spent 12 years as a Pro Wrestler under the name James Grimm Blackwell and have used the Grimm name for anything Entertainment related. This is my 2nd attempt at starting a Gaming/Nerd Culture Channel, and my 3rd time running a Channel. I love gaming, anime, comics, sci-fi, etc and this is something I have wanted to do for a long time. The previous channel I attempted to start was set up as a two man operation and after only one video my partner bailed and took 17 hours of content with him. That was in 2015 and I kinda gave up for awhile. Now I'm back (albeit with less than 10% of the equipment and resources) and ready to set into this new channel and finally doing what I love. I look forward to getting to know you guys and working together to achieve our dreams of Youtube success. I want to apologize in advance for the low quality of the content I will be releasing initially... I have a Pauper setup if there ever was one. I look forward to growing with all you of you!
Welcome to the community :)

As you say! 3rd time is a charm so best of luck! :)
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Rising User
Oct 22, 2017
Welcome to the forums :)
So what kind of videos do you have planed for the near future ? Is it going to be gaming channel, or are you taking a different approach ?
The answer to your question is two-fold. The plans for the near future are gaming focused mainly. However, that is not the long-term plan. Higher Passion Nerds is designed to be multi-faceted within the realm of geek/nerd culture. Anime, Books, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Manga, Gaming, etc. As my resources and abilities develop, so to shall the channel. It takes careful planning so as to ensure consistency of content, but in the end (and for lack of a better comparison) it will be as if E3 and Comic-Con were to be hosted together. Something for everyone in our vastly growing sub-culture all in one place, and organized so as to allow people to find their specific niche without confusion. Its a lofty and intimidating goal, and i have no delusions about it being easy. In the end, it may very well fall short of that mark. Regardless, I will continue to create content that allows me to share my own passions with the world to the best of my ability. Thats all a long way off yet, for now im focused on gaming and anime mostly. I dont have the editing or production skills for much more than that at the moment. I work within my means, but stay focused on my goals. Having 1 virtually unreachable goal divided into several realistic goals ensures that i never grow complacent.

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Rising User
Oct 22, 2017
Welcome to the forums
Good Luck with your channel this time around, i hope you can use what you have learnt in the past to make this channel a success

Thanks, Im hoping so myself lol. One thing i know is i cant do it all alone, and thats why i joined Freedom... because as the saying goes... "We are greater than I"

Sent from my SM-J320V using Tapatalk


Rising User
Oct 22, 2017
That is a major goal you've set for yourself, hope everything works out for you :)
I will be looking forward to the anime and manga part of your channel :D

It is a major goal, and of course it can completely change depending upon what the audience wants. I like to set large goals like this because, as I said, there are multiple goal milestones that are easy to achieve. If I have an overall goal that can't be easily (or even realistically) achieved, then I never grow complacent and I will continue to strive for growth because my work will never be finished. I wont reach that plateau moment of "Oh, I reached my main goal.... now what?" As a species, the human race's biggest weakness is motivation, so I strive to create ways to never allow my motivation to die or peak out.


New User
Oct 27, 2017
The biggest one would have to be that this channel is designed to be run by myself alone. I do have a couple of people who plan to be a part of this channel as well, but I have not allowed them any authority or access to channel content. Everything is recorded, edited, stored, and uploaded by myself. So even if the others bail, the channel wont be killed or hurt (too bad) by it.

I have also learned the importance of pre-planning. It was something I neglected with the previous channels. While I did promote and market the channels themselves, I never planned the content very well, or even the direction of the channel. I tended to do what seemed most interesting to me at the time without thinking about the audience or how to make it make sense within the purview of the channel's overall scheme.

Another thing would be sub4sub. I use to do s4s but I was among the minority or viewed it as Creators supporting Creators. If I subbed someone then I was active on their channel (watching videos, commenting, sharing, etc). I quickly learned that most sub4sub people did not do this. So I wont be doing that with this channel.

I'm using extremely limited resources now compared to what I had previously. So alot of the higher quality things I learned to do with my content are out of the question right now. The computer I'm stuck with at the moment isnt even strong enough to do basic Screen Recording. Luckily it runs Shotcut just fine, so making videos is a bit of a hassle at the moment. I learned about things like Patreon in the later stages of my previous channel. So I intend to implement that with this one, with every dime earned being directly reinvested into the channel for equipment, software, etc. I'm not even trying to make profit off my channel, my goal right now (and for the foreseeable future) is to have the channel be self-sufficient. If I can make enough money with the channel to allow for better content on the channel then I will call it a success! My primary focus is making the best possible content with the resources I have available, anything beyond that is just icing on the cake.
Some good tips here, Welcome and I hope you don't mind me using some of these tips :)


Rising User
Oct 22, 2017
Welcome! Let's hope this 3rd channel sticks around ;)

Thank you, and I have no doubt that it will! I'm putting alot more time and planning into this one to ensure that. Hope you guys like it as much as I enjoy working on it!