Gaming anyone want to colab on a video


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jun 12, 2016
guys I have had my channel for around 3 weeks and already have 22 subs and I want to do colabs with other people who are around the same size as me
here's a sample of my work


Respected User
Freedom! Member
I'm available for collabs. I currently have...
  1. Card Hunter
  2. GMod
  3. Minecraft (but I prefer the modpacks from the ATLauncher. normal Minecraft just seems boring to me now)
  4. Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes
  5. Golf With Your Friends
I could get more if I can afford it. But these are just my current multiplayer games right now. Let mw know if you have any of these and if you'd like to collab with any of these games