Gaming Bonjour Freedom, we are GMFP !


New User
Freedom! Member
Hi !

We are GMFP a 1 year old french gaming YouTube Channel !

We launched this channel because we were having so much fun playing video games that we thought "Why don't we share it ? Some people might laugh with us !". 1 year, 96 subscribers and 13000 views later we are still loving it and slowly but surely we are growing !

Our goal is to create a community in witch we could play together, share fun and happiness (we truely need it these days) !

We play lots of different games, from independents to AAAs, from horror to puzzles !

If you speak french, feel free to come visit us ! We'll be happy to welcome you in our small community !

We're eager to meet Freedom users, so come and speak with us =) !


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Hey dude , Welcome to freedom :)

I hope you enjoy your stay here, the freedom forums are a great way to meet new people and dicuss a variety fo topics !
your channel seems very good with a wide range of videos ! keep it up bro


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Hi !

We are GMFP a 1 year old french gaming YouTube Channel !

We launched this channel because we were having so much fun playing video games that we thought "Why don't we share it ? Some people might laugh with us !". 1 year, 96 subscribers and 13000 views later we are still loving it and slowly but surely we are growing !

Our goal is to create a community in witch we could play together, share fun and happiness (we truely need it these days) !

We play lots of different games, from independents to AAAs, from horror to puzzles !

If you speak french, feel free to come visit us ! We'll be happy to welcome you in our small community !

We're eager to meet Freedom users, so come and speak with us =) !
One year old? That's nice that you guys are still uploading! A lot of people tend to take a break after a few months. Having a community to play with would be a blast. I don't speak french personally, but I might one day!
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