Gaming BTG looking for streamers! (2 spots act fast!)

Connor Crawford

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 15, 2016
So for those of you who don't know our little corner of the YouTube life we are BTG (BlameTheGamer) we are a streaming group that stream daily. We are multinational and multilingual. So where you're from or what you speak is not of consequence. Of course speaking English is preferred for the sake of communicating with your fellow streamers. You can stream any game you like for as long or short as you like. We communicate through discord so you'll need a discord account. The general idea is to be the first 24 hour gaming stream channel. As such we need lots of manpower. Currently we can support 2 more streamers (any and all women/girls will be welcomed gratuitously). There's very few requirements.

1: That you pay attention at staff meetings, help promote the channel, and give help where you can to fellow streamers.

2: That you have the ability to stream regularly

3: That you know how to ask for help when you need it

4: That you understand you are completely responsible for what you say or do in stream

5: That you acknowledge you have friends at BTG and we will do everything we can to help you grow as a creator and as a streamer.

So please respond below with your contact info (or in a PM) and I'll reach out to you. Preferably Discord, but Skype, Xbox LIVE GT, or PSN Name also works. We look forward to working with you streamer! Remember: Blame The Gamer, because it is always your fault.