Solved Channel Unlinked - Unsure why?

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New User
Nov 1, 2014

My channel CalHD1 was un-linked from the Freedom Family and I'm unsure why this is? Can my channel be re-linked?

Thanks, Callum


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hey Callum!

You can see your Freedom! Dashboard or the linked Email of your Freedom! Dashboard account for possible reasons as to why you were unlinked. On the Dashboard you can also request to rejoin or you can contact support to explain the unlink reason to you.
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Onkel Mori

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 18, 2016
Lol... They still do it that way?
Must be very hard to contact a creator BEFORE unlinking them and saying "Hey, we found this issue/issues on your channel. You should do this and that, or we have to unlink you!".
They could at least say "We unlinked you, because of... (reason)".

Same thing happened to me some months ago. Unlinked without contacting me or at least saying what the issue is.
After contacting support, support said to me "we re-reviewed your channel and there aren't any issues".
But they said I have to wait at least 60 to 90 + days which means months without any YT money (and my channel is far away from getting above 100$ per month to get adsense revenue monthly).
I didn't understand why I have to wait when they unlinked me by mistake. Especially when George Vanous personally re-invited channels that also got unlinked by mistake immediately after he read their comments under videos and re-reviewed the channels...

Me: "Why do I have to wait? Others don't have to wait..."
Support: "Because of YouTube's new guidelines you have to wait because we have to be sure you don't upload content that could become a problem in the future again" (Again? And that right after they told me I never had issues and got unlinked by mistake?...)
Me: "But your CEO personally re-invited people who complained about being unlinked, he personally re-reviewed and re-invited them right on the spot!"
Support: "Because of YouTube's new guidelines you have to wait because... (you know the rest)..."
Me: "YOU SAID I NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG and others get re-invited on the spot! So re-invite me too!"
Support: "Because of YouTube's new guidelines you have to wait because..."

I was getting pissed off more and more after every reply and even today I still don't get why the hell they answered that way. Do I speak chinese or what?
My English is far from being perfect, but I think it's still good enough to understand me.

Before I might have said something that I regreted afterwards, I didn't answer the support on their last mail.
I contacted YouTube support instead because I wanted to know more about these new guidelines which force Freedom to let me wait several months before I can re-join them, even if I never did anything wrong.
YouTube support answered: "This is between your MCN and you!"... So much for "YouTube's new guidelines are forcing us to do that!".

Of course I confronted them with their lie.
Now it is getting funny. After I confronted them with their lie, they found issues on my channel (Now take a wild guess why they did that!)...

"Issues" which don't exist!

One of them was "You have misleading thumbnails!" <<< I never had any misleading thumbnails. I have a Let's Play channel and the thumbnails always were related to the game. Or do they wanna tell me the problem is my "Let's Replay The Simpsons - Hit and Run" LP, where only Homer is on the thumbnail even when I play with other characters in many parts? This would be ridiculous...

My favourite "Issue" that is on my channel according to them is "You emulate some games, this is piracy!!!"
First, you would have to ban every channel, that shows anything gaming related. Because it COULD always be an illegal copy.
Second, emulation alone is not illegal. But you CAN do something illegal with them if you download roms and play them.
Emulating your own games that you have dumped by yourself and for yourself is totally legal.
There's a thing called "Retrode"... You can use your own SNES or Genesis games (of course there's something similar for other consoles out there), plug in the Retrode to your computer via USB and play games on an emulator from the original cartridge.

Just because a game is emulated, it is not piracy.
Some weeks ago, a Sega Genesis collection got released on Playstation 4. And guess what, the games on this collection are getting EMULATED. It functions that way on most classic collections.

But according to what Freedom support said me, no Freedom partner is allowed to show gameplay from this collection on his or her channel because it's emulation and that makes it piracy? The collection can legally be bought on the consoles and in retail stores. Nothing illegal here, but when they say "Emulation, piracy related! That's an issue why we had to unlink you!"...
They would really have to unlink every gaming channel. Almost everything gaming related out there COULD have something to do with piracy.
If that's their thinking, I'm glad they didn't tell the cops I have knives at home. I mean... I only cut some sorts of food or butter my bread with them, but it COULD be possible that I murder someone with a knive...

I bet the real reason they unlinked me and several others are that we are too small and/or don't bring in enough money after the new rules for MCNs and partners...
Most networks kicked all small partners and only focus on their big ones now. Freedom always said "We are different, we treat everybody the same way! (which definitely is not true. Just think about George re-inviting channels right on the spot for example)".

I would never have had a problem with what happened when they would have told me the truth.
But they lied instead of being honest. Maybe they are afraid they would lose credibility if they would say they have to kick the smaller ones and focus on the big ones (like socialblade did on twitter).

Long things short, they lied to me and others and now I don't give a rat's a.. anymore to re-join.
I might have to wait longer, but in the end I am making more money with adsense anyway, even if I barely upload since those things happened (because it really demotivated me at first, trying to get back to normal right now) and I don't even need them. The only Freedom feature I miss a little bit is Epidemic, but there are websites out there which offer their royalty free music for free, as long as you mention them and they are not that bad.
Maybe you should also consider not rejoining them. You can make more money without Freedom too, especially if you have the 60/40 share.

Freedom stopped being the MCN that cares for small creators. They are not what their name stands for anymore.

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