Forums Chat caching (NERD RANT)


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Nerdy thread incoming

To start off, I have no issue in caching a website in general. It's a great way to serve static pages faster and save hella bandwidth to the server.

Though I have an issue about it.

Stop caching the chat.

As I've said above, caching is great for static pages or elements. Static. The chat isn't static at all. While I'm not touching the inefficient way the chat communicates with the server by permanently asking for new messages, making multiple pages lag browsers out quite a bit I'm feeling the need to talk about this. Having chat get cached three times makes me mad. I mostly see two chat flashbacks before getting new messages. The first layer is the browser. Nothing you can do there. Though then I get another flashback which is cached HTML I receive from another time using the chat and just then the newer messages show. Don't make me count the times I've started replying to people needing help one moment ago just to find out they asked about five hours ago and have already left the chat.

The solution:
Make an exception for caching on the chat page or the chat elements on every page at AWS or whatever caches pages for you. The chat may load a bit longer and the server may use more bandwidth but all in all it would be a performance increase.

@HyperLabs you made me post this lol