
New User
Sep 11, 2014
Boston, MA
Sup y'all, name's Doppoganga (Pronounced doppelgänger.). I honestly don't know where to start. I am 25 years-old majoring in Music Production at Bunker Hill Community College, but I'm planning to start fresh by transferring to MassArt and changing my major to filming.

When I was little, I was the troublemaker back in elementary picking fights on older white kids, because back then the racism and stereotypes towards asians was a big issue for me. I made a promise to myself I would never fight again so I won't be a burden to my parents. Middle school was when everybody acting like thugs wearing baggy clothes of Ecko, Sean Paul, and Rocawear and I'm sitting right here wearing my Tommy Hilfiger shirt, Guess jeans, and Polo shoes trying to act gangsta and fit in. It was bad.

When I was in high school, I start wearing baggy clothes and chilling with the homies with my little brother. Later on, things get outta hand when my little brother and I was chilling with the wrong crowd. There was always drama, fights, and so on. I tried very hard to get outta that kinda lifestyle and managed to start my life over, but one of my biggest regret is my brother is stuck with the wrong crowd and I didn't have the courage to play the role of an older brother. Not only that, my grades are failing, teachers and students support certain people based on popularity, I'm just a ghost. Not to mention at the age of 16, I've found out my dad, the one who raised me all these years, is not my biological dad. So everything went bad all these years, I begin to suffer depression, having suicidal thoughts, and even thinking about my regrets. Until I attend this convention at my hometown called Anime Boston for the first time.

In 2009, I attended my first convention and it was awesome. I've met alot of cosplayers who make their outfit and weapons without any worries but having fun, makes me feel like I'm in a different world; makes me feel like I can be myself. I started watching anime and it inspired me to do other stuff such as Samurai Champloo taught me how to rap in hip-hop and YuYu Hakusho inspired me to learn martial arts. At that time, I also form a crew where I can do martial art skits and video. When we first performed at the convention in 2013, not only the audience went wild but the participants and staff as well. I was speechless, but it felt like I was doing something right. It inspired me to change my ways; it inspired me to be somebody.

Right now, I ended my 3-year relationship with the most beautiful girl ever and it took its toll on me and my crew wasn't helping at all. Due to alot of complications and personal conflict against me, I've decided to disband the group. I lost confidence in myself until I met a few people who took me in to their hotel so I can attend my first con out of state in New Hampshire called Another Anime Convention (AAC for short.). Thanks to them, I realized what my content is for my YouTube channel. For my channel, I do music video, comedy, vlog, martial art/action scenes with a touch of anime and video games. Cosplayers are also involved in my videos, because my content is to have a crossover between fictional characters and reality; what if your favorite characters in a video game, comic, or anime, exist?

My dream is to be a YouTuber to support my audience with my content and inspired them to express their creativity. I wanted to see the world, or at least every state, and keep them entertained. If it weren't for my friends, anime, or even cosplayers, I would've been in my room, isolated myself. So I thank you for your love and support.

If y'all wanna know me more, please check out my page and y'all shall feel the wrath of my awkwardness filled with pure awesomeness:

This is Doppoganga signing out,
Peace and love =^O^=!!!
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Forum Administrator // YouTuber... -ish
Freedom! Member
Feb 21, 2014
Wow that intro's pretty detailed cx Welcome to the Freedom! forums. Thank you for taking the time to write an introduction! Here are some other things you can do as a new member:
  • Learn how to add a link to your channel below your signature here (fix the error!)
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Good luck with your channel and happy foruming! :D


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 13, 2015
Hello, Welcome to the forums (y) (Y).

Life lesson to everyone, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. There is no easy way out, just surround yourself with a good group of people and work it all out :).

Glad everything is piecing itself together nicely now for you (y) (Y).

Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
Welcome to the Freedom family! You've definitely been through a lot of hard times, but trust me when I say we're all happy for you, getting through it all and doing what you love. Just keep on going and stay determined, you'll inspire many people along the way