GTX 1080/Computer parts help


Respected User
Nov 29, 2015
hey guys so im gonna be making my own pc soon and i wanted to pick my graphics card first after doing a little looking around i found the gtx1080. as from what i can tell and have read this is the best graphics card around and this is the card that currently has my attention. so i was just wondering if this is as good as its living up to be. i just want to have a good card that'll last me for awhile and that'll help good with recording games and such. so next i also what some advice for parts that'll be good for everyday use, the computer im planning to make i want to be able to record flawlessly at very high settings, have good livestreams, good for editing and rendering and just everyday use so any help i could get would be very appreciated and hopefully i dont look like a scrub

Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
The Gtx 1080 is beastmode...

It can handle any game you throw at it...

But then again... so can the 1060...

It depends on what resolution you want to play at really. The 1060 will play pretty much any desktop game at up to 1440p, while the 1080 can often do 4k...

VR games are pushing the graphical needs of graphics cards further than desktop games require.

I can still play any game out there with a gtx 960... but for VR it isnt cutting it for some things.

If you want your pc for recording and editing you are going to want to save some budget for your cpu and extra hard drives.

Currently what I have is a AMD 8350... for editing 1080p video it works pretty good... if you want to edit 4k your gonna need something better from the intel i7 side...

Phil Kidd

Human Person
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2014
hey guys so im gonna be making my own pc soon and i wanted to pick my graphics card first after doing a little looking around i found the gtx1080. as from what i can tell and have read this is the best graphics card around and this is the card that currently has my attention. so i was just wondering if this is as good as its living up to be. i just want to have a good card that'll last me for awhile and that'll help good with recording games and such. so next i also what some advice for parts that'll be good for everyday use, the computer im planning to make i want to be able to record flawlessly at very high settings, have good livestreams, good for editing and rendering and just everyday use so any help i could get would be very appreciated and hopefully i dont look like a scrub
If price isn't an issue, then 1080 is no question a great card. If you want to save a few hundred dollars and lose only a bit of performance, the 1070 and 1060 do fine too, like the previous reply said.

Can we get an idea of what your budget is?

Casanova Kurai

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 13, 2016
I own the 1070. Unless money is NO ISSUE I wouldn't recommend the 1080 as it's definitely better, (around 8-10% better in passmark scores) BUT 10% difference isn't worth double the money, AND I guarantee you that the 1070 is the biggest bang for your buck if you're getting into the latest stuff. it'll last you for at least the next four-six years. as long as you take care of it.

My other recommendation is instead of any of the 10 series (if you can find one) buy a 980ti refurbished or off Craigslist, It has the same if not better performance when overclocked (depending on the model). and you can get some for super cheap used.

The worst case scenario is it's thermal throttling because the thermal paste has dried up (if used) so you'll just open it up, clean it out, and put new paste on. Easy as that.

EXTRA *Hardware*
I'd recommend second drives, anything that you are playing your game on you'll want to have a separate drive to record to. otherwise you'll still have horrible quality because your HDD just can't keep up with the writing while it's also reading and writing data for your game. A GREAT value is this one here:

if you save that money you planned for that 1080, you can get that HDD plus a really good camera, or a full year of Adobe CC (you can get everything for 20 dollars a month if you use an old college email address. (i'm still in school Oo...)
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