Gaming Hansie here!


New User
Nov 17, 2017
Hi guys! Hansrutger here! I was suggested to come here through a video I saw by Ziovo where he said that joining forums and engaging with them could potentially be a good marketing strategy! I've been creating videos this week as a "trial week" to see how it is to be a content creator and I must say it's rather hard and not rewarding in any way! Seems like most people over 1M subs are lying haha :p

But enough about the sad, time to embrace the good. I am a software engineer, a company part-owner and a gamer, whereas the latter one seems to be taking up most priority! I started playing PUBG one or two months ago and fell instantly in love with it. Other than that, I used to play World of Warcraft, admittedly on private servers, but now I will most likely try retail again once WoW Classic is up and running, seeing as Blizzard finally decided to listen to their players. As for my engineering degree, my most favorite programming language must be C#, I simply just find it convenient to use and very powerful for the things I create.

If anything else to know about me is that I speak multiple languages so finding a way to communicating with me won't be an issue. Simply pick a language in the balkan and I'll most likely understand you, English is given that I know (or maybe I've been typing words just randomly in this post and they came to make somewhat sense :confused:) but besides that I live in Sweden so I naturally speak Swedish. German is a bit off but you might as well try if you want, I'll just tell you that I want a "wiener schnitzel" for dinner and that's about what type of words I can use in German xD

I hope that people around here are cool (at least the admins/mods seem cool in some of the stickied threads they have made) so I doubt it will be a problem! If anyone wants to play some PUBG feel free to tell me other than that, thanks for reading this text of wall! \o/ :D
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A very big welcome to the Freedom Forums my Friend :)

Yeah, a profile on a forum can be very beneficial for a youtuber or someone building a following as it's somewhere to interact and be a part of a community or make your own community :) PUBG for me is always a frame choppy nightmare, but it's a great game! Funny story I've just begun to play World of Warcraft for the first time with the starter edition, I must say I wish I started sooner! For someone who speaks so many languages, your English is great!


New User
Nov 17, 2017
@ItsJustJord thank you! PUBG is very laggy and desynced at the moment indeed, I just hope it will get better :p Thank you for letting me know my English is good, I do pretty well when I'm writing but when I'm both thinking and speaking, languages tend to mess up haha. Good luck in WoW, I'll see you there when Classic expansion comes out heh :p

@VoiaGmer thank you!!

@SXIFerny5709 You're missing out frustration right now. Unless you're hoping to get some kind of reward for buying early access, I'd say wait with it... Or unless you intend on making videos about it heh'. It's definitively the battle royale of the year and perhaps next year, but not even remotely close to perfect in terms of optimization. The actual gameplay or elements of the game rather are well balanced. And when you think about it, even the optimization is balanced for all players... Sometimes you see a random guy in the wall, next time it might be you so ye... "Balanced" xD

This video should explain the random wall guy (skip to 35 seconds):
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