Heat Signature Alpha


Gaming and Commentary
Freedom! Member
About a week ago the limited alpha (about 2000 people) for Heat Signature was sent out on Steam.
If you haven't heard of it, Heat Signature is a sci-fi indie game that makes its name by allowing you to dock your ship with larger ships and then enter them.
I was lucky enough to get into that group of people, and have been playing the game a lot over the past few days. Despite being buggy (excusable, as it's in alpha) it's already incredibly fun.
Tom Francis' development of Heat Signature is funded by the profits earned by his breakthrough game Gunpoint, a murder mystery/comedy.

Have any of you seen or heard anything about the game? Are you looking forward to it? Do you think it could be better? Were you one of the lucky few that gained access to the alpha? I'd love to hear from you, both here and on the video on my channel (link is in my signature).

If you want to have a look at Heat Signature, go here: [OFFICIAL WEBSITE] [STEAM]
If you want to see Francis' other game, Gunpoint, go here: [STEAM]