Gaming Hello, Freedom!


Rising User
Jun 7, 2016
Your name/alias: Joshua V. Harding
Where are you from?: Raleigh, NC
How old are you?: 17
How did you find Freedom!?: I found Freedom through MGN.
What made you join our forums?: I decided to open up to Freedom! after being partnered for a few months and finally communicate with fellow YouTubers.
What are your hobbies?: Gaming, Writing, Film Making, Film Critic
What is your favorite food?: Too Much to Choose From
Why did you start YouTube?: I've always wanted to do Gaming, Machinima, and Film Reviews.
What is your biggest dream?: To bring the Universe I have created in my stories to life.
What kind of channel do you run?: I run a single channel for just about anything related to Gaming, Film, or Machinima. I tried doing multiple channels, but that didn't work.
How frequently do you upload?: I don't usually schedule uploads, but I'll try to upload whenever I can. Usually a few times a week unless I'm very busy with other stuffy.
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