Gaming Hello from Zulu Gaming Studios

Demetrius graham

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 19, 2016
Your name: Demetrius Graham
(Optional) Where are you from?: Cincinnati
(Optional) How old are you?:21
How did you find Freedom!? Google
What made you join our forums?:Want to reach out to new people
What are your hobbies?:playing video games, working out, watching deadpool making youtube videos
What is your favorite food? Bacon Cheese Burger
Why did you start YouTube? Thought it would be fun to do
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? To own an IT firm
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming
What kind of content do you upload? I upload let's paly, highlight videos of rocket league
When do you upload?: Monday through sunday if possible
Channel link:


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Hey welcome to Freedom i hope you enjoy your time here and gain new subs for your channel :) iv managed to check your channel out and its really good i really enjoyed your rocket league highlights vid keep up the good work :) to help you out iv subbed to your channel i cant wait to see what you come up with in the near future keep it up man !!