Gaming Hello! My name is Tor...bert


Rising User
Aug 5, 2014

My name is Tor, and I am from Norway.

I found Freedom almost two years ago.

I joined the forums because I wanted to connect with other people, but it wasn't very developed at the time, so I didn't do much with it. Today, my brother showed me that he has gained a lot of activity on his channel because he posted on the forums, so I thought I might as well could start posting too.

I play video games, but I try to stay away from it, since I want a more social and active life. I also want to focus more on school stuff. I love being on the sea with my boat.

I started YouTube a very long time ago because I wanted to make videos of Skate 3 when that game was popular. I didn't get much activity, so I just quit for a while. Then I posted a few videos of other games and gained much more activity than normal.

My biggest dream is to win the lottery and live a worry-free life. :)

I run a gaming channel/channel where I upload different things that I do at school and such, but mostly videos of games. I upload very rarely, but if I see some interest in my channel, I will post more and more!

Link to my channel:
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