Gaming Hey you would like some help with your youtube channels? I can help you out :)


Gods of Odds

A shout out would be really nice, my channel name is Gods of Odds, also i'm looking for people to put me on their featured channels and of course i'll do the same.

Zivicious Gaming

Rising User
Mar 25, 2016
I would love to receive some help on how I can improve my channel! and a shoutout would not hurt :)
I am 16 years old I make gaming videos I currently only have 7 subscribers so it would be amazing to boost my subscriber count. Also I do not get that many views on my videos so a little exposure would be great!
My skype name is: Zaidhb1


Rising User
Apr 26, 2016
Hello everyone
I have made this thread to help you all out, maybe if you would like a shoutout then feel free to let me know and I will happily put you on a list to a series called 'Shoutout saturday' I also started this series because I have just reached 1,000 subscribers and I know how it feels to have less than 1,000. So I really want to help you out. I can give you,
- A Shoutout
- Some tips
- collab
- If you have a ps4 then maybe you can join me in one of my videos
And more....
You decide :)

This is optional but if you would like to help me back ( which you don't have to ) by maybe subscribing to my channel so you don't miss out any content I upload. If you decide that you do want to then feel free to click on my channel at the bottom or go toy youtube and simply put ' wiskorgaming'. If you decide no then you dont have to worry, you will still get everything you need :) But again you guys decide :)
Thank you for reading.
I hope to see you all soon
Peace everyone
- kris/ wiskorgaming


Rising User
Jan 20, 2016
I would LOVE a shoutout mate, ill happily subscribe to your channel dude, I dont really ask sub for sub, only if people could check out my channel, and if they like it THEN subscribe :) ANYWHO hope your having a great day mate!!!!!