Gaming Hi guys!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 4, 2016
Hi guy's first off I wanna start with some simple questions!

Your name/alias: My name is Peyton but most call me Wolf!
Where are you from?: I am from North America!
How old are you?: I am 15
How did you find Freedom!? I found freedom by friends talking about it and they said that it was a quite good partner. I've tried many others before freedom at 1 point but couldn't quite dig any other partner. Freedom is good with pay and events and just to do nice things for the "Freedom Family!"
What made you join our forums?: To chat with the nice people in here and get some help with issues I may be having and or stuff I have not fully understood about YouTube or Partnerships!
What are your hobbies?: I like to game most the time but when I can and or am in sports for school etc. I will be quite busy with sports. I play Sports like Baseball, Football, Wrestling, and some Basketball! I am also a really decent at school. I make sure all my stuff is caught up etc for school. School isn't really a hobby though its just something I have to do.
What is your favorite food? I love to eat chicken and mac'n'cheese for the most part.
Why did you start YouTube? I joined YouTube due to the love of meeting viewers and talking to people and also recording! I also love games so recording and gaming equals LYFE!!!
What is your biggest dream? To get at least 10,000 subscribers on YouTube!
What kind of channel do you run?: I run a quite nice gaming channel and would love for you to check it out!
How frequently do you upload?: AT LEAST 3 VIDS A WEEK!!!

So if this is the channel that you think would be for you then come check me out

Click Here >>>> Youtube Channel