Tips & Tricks How To Get The Ball Rolling


Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 13, 2014
Ok so these tips are for BEGINNERS on YouTube and how they can get their channels started! Some of these might sound like common sense but its a fair point to make.

1. Make Videos
-Ok no duh youre going to be making videos if youre on YouTube but what I mean by this is stay with it. Even if you arent getting any views you have to keep uploading and not get discouraged. It'll make it easier for you to get discovered while adding some credibility to your channel.

2. Use Channel Art
-Again kinda a no brainer but it surprises me how much people dont do this. Having good channel art is ESSENTIAL! Not only does it look cooler/more attractive but it makes it look like you have it all together and that you know what youre doing.

3.Tell People
-Tell your friends or family about your channel, or promote it on your social media. Ask your friends to put it on their social media. Anything like this could really benefit your channel when you first create it!

4. Use Forums
-Forums are a great way to get your channel discovered and theres so many of them out there! Take advantage of that and get your channel discovered!

5. Collaborate
-Find someone else who is just starting a channel of their own and make videos together. Itll expose you to their audience and them to yours. Therefore youre being twice as effective.

These are just some basic tips for beginners! If youd like to see my video on these tips check it out here!

Phil Kidd

Human Person
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2014
Good tips, though I'd say collaboration is really only numerically valuable if both parties have several thousand subs at least. Two people collaborating each with 100 subs will not net you many viewers from each others channels. I wouldn't consider it worth the effort until I know I'm getting a few dozen coming over from the video.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 23, 2015
Seoul, Republic of Korea
I find forums are not useful at all as most people on forums tend to just ignore YouTube Channel promotions. At least all the forums I've been on do. (No, not just me, in my experience EVERYONE who promotes their YouTube on forums gets ignored unless they were pretty well established to begin with [I.E. Had a lot of fans on the forum to begin with])

Indeed a few basic tips. To add some

Video description, Titles, usage of Playlist with description, Detailed about section, social media, Channel trailer.

Did i forget something?

I agree with all of this minus the detailed about section. I've checked the about section of some of the most popular YouTubers out there and they aren't very detailed.

I have a channel trailer but it kind of sucks, should probably do a new one when I get my **** together.