How to improve video quality?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Apr 17, 2016
I always see tips about how to grow your channel, but before we are gonna use these tips we should definetly know how to improve our videos. So what are your guys opinions about that?

I think you should do this to improve:
- Get a good webcam, I really like a webcam somewhere on the screen when the gameplay on the background is just not doing the deal.
- Get a good microphone, like the Blue Yeti is only 50$ and it's not as bad as a headset microphone.
- Thumbnails, make awesome and clear thumbnails
- Header and avatar, if you can't make them yourselve pay people for it as it's worth it making your channel look better.

Please leave tips down below and I'll add them!

Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
For me it's not one thing you can improve you should improve everything every time you make a video. I try to make a new video better, if it's in tech quality or content there has to be some kind of moving forward in each and every one of my vids :p I'm very self critical so I always see something I would change the next time when I go at it again!
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Active Member
Freedom! Member
Apr 27, 2016
It's not really about just how good you look. Improving your videos means creating content that's more entertaining and interesting to watch. Looking at YouTube analytics is a good way of improving. Notice the videos that gain more views and that have a longer watch time. Notice what you did good in them. Try to repeat that in your future videos. Look at the more successful youtubers and ask yourself what they are doing to be so good?
What are they doing in the editing process. How are they recording their videos. Etc...