Gaming Ice over here!


New User
Jan 25, 2016
Hello everyone I am obviously new over here, and I run a gaming chanel with some other videos on it, though it is all in spanish, but maybe i'll add subtitles if it is needed
For starters
Your name: Carlos (Please call me Ice)
(Optional) Where are you from?: North Mexico, i´m actually close to Arizona
(Optional) How old are you?: Turned 25 on december
How did you find Freedom!? Reading, a lot of reading
What made you join our forums?: Well, need to meet new people and give a little kick to my chanel
What are your hobbies?: I think I am here for a reason I already explained (Games, pc, stuff)
What is your favorite food? Give me pasta to make me happy (at least my stomach)
Why did you start YouTube? Wanted to try (It is actually fun)
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? I think I saw a whale or something once
What kind of channel do you run?: Games and talking to my self
What kind of content do you upload? Again, games and me talking to my self
When do you upload?: Right now I try to upload every day to grow up in numbers
Channel link:

Please, ask anything you want to, I am open to all questions, spanish or english :D