My True Story


New User
Freedom! Member
Aug 17, 2016
United Kingdom
Heyya Guys,
I just thought Id take a little time to tell you the story behind my channel and just tell the freedom family the truth behind RoyaltyGamingKings because Im fed up of saying my girlfriend is here with me, she is not yet. Truth be told I am in the process of getting her over to the UK via the FCO or Foreign & Commonwealth Office and embassies. Im not going to tell you all the details but sadly her family is abusing her and locking her in her room. We made a video together which is on my channel and I know Im, not the best YouTuber but she enjoys me making videos as she gets her phone and watches them and and sometimes can go on her brother's computer to talk to me, however, this is getting rarer and rarer. I think the embassy is going to charge me in order to fly her to England to live with me and sadly I do not have the money so Im going to try to work soon to get her here. Again if it comes to this I will not bore you with the details but she will have to climb out of her window and run with everything she can carry to a car or taxi I will also have to pay for in order for her to get to the embassy which is over a 4hour drive. This process is taking its toll on me and where I used to make videos daily I lack the energy to make the videos, however, have a lot of old footage. I may have only 8 subscribers but I love making videos and sharing them with my friends who don't have youtube accounts and my first video that went kinda viral with over 600 views which is amazing. I apologise if you say I view bot or whatever I really don't, most of my videos have 70-80% viewer retention (Average 78%) because my friends really like my videos. I try not to let other people bring me down however it looks as if I will have to move in order to get the job I want as a video editor and I have been diagnosed with Severe anxiety insomnia and mild paranoia which I take Sertraline for daily, they have helped but not as much as I hoped sadly. My psychologist said if I took them I would go down from a 7/10 as a normal anxiety (Visible shaking stuttered speech ect, when I was outside) to a 3/10 and that would be better for me however its decreased more to a 6. The fact is I know Im going to regret this comment and Im only being so open in the hopes that typing this will bring me something that isn't waiting and give me the determination to do and make more videos which is something I truly love doing. In all honesty, I had an old youtube channel which had 2k subscribers called gw937playspixelmon now destroyed by copyright claims but I loved making that channel even as a wheezing 14 year old boy who hadn't talked to a girl before and sat in playing minecraft all day (Im sure some of you can relate) with a massive lisp. But I did it for long enough and made some really good friends. I really love Jasmine and I just want her to be safe I just wish life would be easier on me. I see a counsellor every week to tell him about my father, about my sister and he even admits he has no solutions. As I said Im not going to get into it and bore you with the details. I just hope maybe I can make someone's day a bit brighter by this comment. I dropped out of school because of my anxiety at 16, I got a job as a business apprentice and I was fired because my boss was worried about my insomnia and anxiety, I tried to join the Army but couldn't because of the fact I am on Anxiety Tablets, and now I may have to move in order to do the one thing I have, which means leaving my family friends and everyone. If I don't get an apprenticeship or go back to school soon my mum could be fined or go to prison because Im 17. I just wish I could have something lucky come my way for once. Thanks to anyone who reads this and George you are great.
Nathan King aka RoyaltyGamingKings aka Cherninia signing out.
If you need proof I can send you it I guess