"Playstion 4.5" Anybody else hear about it?


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2015
playstation 4.5, playstation VR, playstation neo...
Its a new console war coming...
I have seen some gameplay of the new games
coming...Its AWESOME!!!
Except the PS4.5 is probably the dumbest idea ever. No need to alienate the 40 million people who already bought a PS4. Sony pretty much gave the middle finger to everyone who was an early adopter of the PS4 and will soon show them their hardware is now inferior to the PS4K or PSneo whatever it is called. It will sound cool until a few years from now when "modern" games will run at 10fps on the PS4 and 60fps on the PS4K. New system also renders the original PS4 worthless, because no one is going to buy obsolete hardware that will run PS4 games at a lower resolution and framerate than the 4.5. I've loved the PS4 from the beginning but this may give the Xbox One an advantage because they haven't screwed over their fanbase making them upgrade in mid generation. Not yet at least